Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Moment of Clarity

Getting tired from the chaos of Kathmandu, I decided to go on a trek/relax session during a holiday called Dasai. Dasai is basically the Nepali version of Christmas except it is 12 days long and gambling/drinking is a major part of the celebration(my kind of holiday). I finally concluded that I should go up to the mountains, so I headed to the western part of Nepal and hung out for a few days.

In a village called Muktinath(3710meters) I decided to take some time and think while I sat outside of a temple amongst the peaceful beautiful mountains. I would like to say that I came up with some profound view on life, a new insight into my religious beliefs, or something that really brought my life into focus, but alas I did not.

Even so, one of the things that did run through my head in the small moments of clarity that I had was this:

"I still think Picard is better than Kirk."

Perhaps that is profound enough.



Unknown said...

This is a fundamental error from which a multitude of terrible and consequential errors follow. For, in the end, if you have to have one guy in the bunker with you, it better be Kirk!

Melissa and Joe said...

It is only in such tranquil conditions that the truth can exist in its purest form. If I'm in a bunker I want to have Picard come up with a wise exit strategy more than I want to have a ripped shirt Kirk making out with a green-skinned alien woman in the corner as plasma bursts wizz by my ear.

colewoman said...

allow me to contribute.